Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New free itimes& more..:)

Hi!!! I said!!! New prizes is Paddle Ball, Candy Necklace and Lollipop Candy!!!!
Actually, Lollypop is like a prize and you can buy:
Paddle Ball- 1500 tickets
Candy Necklace- 700
Lollipop Candy- 1000 tickets...
So to get prizes,you need to get 3200 tickets.
To get Lollipop Candy first you must get Paddle Ball and Candy Necklace, and then string falls down, click on string and you will see Lollipop.. Good luck..:) Paddle ball does special dance..! You dont need to wear just paddle ball, you can wear all of chlotnes and just wave.. Ok for now good-bye..
Until then -
Waddle on!