Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween party!!!!!!!!!! :)

Party!!! Yea!!! I love this party:) Very spoky.... And dark...

So! First to get pumpkin basket go to Snow Forts! Then:

1. Go to Pizza ! There you can see a candy!
2. Another candy, you can found in coffe shop...
3. To get next, go to Forest...
4. Go to beacon!
5. Go to Ski Lodge!
6.Wait the green puffle in the Dance Club... you will click on the puffle, he will bring a ticket. answer is happy halloween, and wait...
7.Go to Ski Mountain!
8. Finally, go to cove, and take a look in binoculars!

Then click '"claim prize " and....
Olso, new pine is in Cave.. i love it becouse it's spider!!! Cool ,huh? I think this party is great!

Ps. Another pics from the party will be soon...accutaly you can wait to video... i cant promise, but i hope i will!
Pss. I am member... I think its fun!

Until Then-
Waddle on, and enjoy the party!!!! :P

1 Comment:

Joanna7777 said...

yes its cool.happy membership.bye for mow.