Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stage Sneak Peak!

Hmm.. looks interesting, huh..What is next stage play..? I have NO idea..
But here's what Billybob said:
Hello Penguins!

We've heard lots of great ideas from many of you about future themes for The Stage and I just found out about a new theme the team is currently working on. I wanted to be the first to give you a little sneak peek. I don't have a lot of details right now, but I did find out that it will be released in February. And I managed to grab a small bit of art from the development team. What do you think?

In other news: I know a lot of you are curious about Rockhopper and what he plans to do. More will be revealed soon, so keep checking the newspaper and keep an eye on things around town!
Ps. This is my 100 post, i'm happy:]


Ice Kid 686 said...

This is CP163 from
I will help you as soon as I can with the cheat submission.
I will be very busy this week.

Wyatt Counterman said...


Zorbaks said...

Ok! :) I will be very very happy if you will help me!