Sunday, February 17, 2008

Gary The Gadget Guy project almost done!

Hi! Gery The Gadget Guy project is almost done:)
Go to Iceberg, and check it out!

There is also Poll...
you can choose:

  • Deep Sea Salvage
  • Aqua Grabber
  • Depth Driver

What's your choice? I like Aqua Grabber the most!

Also, now you can watch my Sub-Marine party video on Youtube!
Click Here!



The Penguin Online said...

Hi Zorbaks!!
I really like your site's look! But I have a question (answer it at my blog):
How can you have 3 columns??
Answer me please!!
And THIS site is on my blogroll, ok?
- Chispy12

Anonymous said...

Hey Zorbaks,

some cheat site called Bensassoon and Js54 emailed Club Penguin about cheat sites. They said they will ban any player who is using an actitvity called " Third Party Program". It means something about cheat sites. And they don't like it. Hope you don't get banned. Im sending this message to every cheat site I know for a warning.


Anonymous said...


That game that you redistered for called Planet Cazmo. I played. It has everything that club penguin does. Since it is on Beta, They even give away a Beta Hat. They are copy caters!