Friday, March 28, 2008

The BEST party EVER has started- April Fools` 2008!

hEllO PeNguIn duDes and boYS..

...ThE bEsT PArTy EVER is sTartEd..IT's sO SiLLy,SLoPPy anD deFiniTelY wAcKy PaRtY!

You will see 8 my favorite room's in 6 nominations.

First nomination "thE ColDEst and deFiniTeLy CoOlEst" rOOm is..

Ice Berg!

Second nomination is..." cOlOrful and ThE the fascinating rOOm" And.. it goes to...

OJOD! oH.. Sorry..i misspeled..Dojo is the

" cOlOrful and ThE the fascinating rOOm"

Third nomination is " hOmE SWEET hOmE :*"..

And it goes to... Pizza Parlor!

Yup, i think Pizza Parlor fits in " hOmE SWEET hOmE :*" nomination!

The fourth nomination is.. "SuPeR SpEEdY and WoBBliesT pLace"

...and it goes.. to the...


Fifth nomination is.. "sO So SWEET:)* " and it goes to four ROOM'S..

Coffee Shop, Book Room, Ski Lodge, Lodge Attic..


Do you know why those room's are so so sweet? It looks like children's was drawing these rooms!

Seveth nomination is.. " ThE bEst ROOm WiTH the BesT qUaLitY"..
and it goes.. to.. the.. Dance Club.. ;D
And here's free items!
First free item is Red Propellor Cup and you can find it in Ski Village!

Another free item is Swirly Glasses!

Special thanks to everyone who's voting! Thank you very much! But please keep voting!
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EnJoY tHiS SiLLy,SLoPPy anD deFiniTelY wAcKy PaRtY!