Hiya Penguins.. Club Penguin Improvement Project is coming out tomorrow, but Club Penguin updated it today! The Club Penguin Improvement Project is testing new servers. It looks like, you will be able to test Club Penguin! Click here to view it! First, click on EYE SCAN 3000. If you want to test server, click on "More info". Club Penguin is now working on servers that will make CP faster, stronger, and better :) Before they're lunching servers, we're going to test them! Here's some information!
- Sign up! It’s easy. Enter your current penguin name and password below, then play like you normally would in Club Penguin: decorate your igloo, dress up, throw parties, play games and have fun with your friends.
- The ‘real’ penguin you use normally in Club Penguin is NOT connected to the penguin you use for Server Test. They are two separate penguin accounts.
- The server test ends on April 4. When Server Test ends on April 4, the site and all the penguins will be deleted.
- Everything the team is testing is behind the scenes so you won’t see any visual changes to the game.
- Please report bugs when you find them.
- If you can’t login, it may be down for maintenance or filled with penguins. Check back later to find out if its open again.
- Club Penguin Rules apply. If you find penguins breaking these rules, report them to the Club Penguin team.

Remember- you have to wait until tomorrow!
And remember- we're hoping that today will be new game! I think i will post about game tomorrow.. or maybe today! Ok, for now bye! Check today or tomorrow, for more information!
1 Comment:
Shirt name for your site:CPZ-ClubPenguinZorbacks
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