Hello Penguin's! Traditional Easter Egg Hunt is here! So here's Easter Egg Hunt cheats:
To find the first egg:
1) Go to to the Mine.
2) Click on the lantern where's first egg.
3) Now you have found the first egg! To find the second egg:
1) Go to the Dock
2)Click on the egg whats in post.
3) Now you have found the second egg!
1) Go to the Pet Shop.
2)Click on the red puffle egg whats in cage.
3) Now you have found the third egg!
1)Go to the Book Room.
2) Click on the cactus egg.
3) Now you have found the fourth egg!
1)Go to the Gift Shop.
2)Click on the "Dress Up" poster.
3)Now you have found the fifth egg!
1) Go to the Plaza.
2) Click on the lantern between the Pet Shop and the Stage.
3) Now you have found the sixth egg!
1) Go to the Lodge Attic.
2)Move your mouse over the box, and the egg will pop-up!
3) Now you have found the seventh egg!
1) Go to the Dojo.
2) There you will see the Ninja egg.
3) It will appear in one place, then in another place.
3) Try to click on it very fast! It's not vrily easy, so keep trying!
4) Now you have found the last, the eighth egg!
Now, when you're collected all the eggs, click "Claim Prize".
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