Friday, April 11, 2008

New Stage play- Quest for the Golden Puffle.

Hello Penguins! Do you ever was dreaming that one place in Club Penguin could be like an Egypt?
Now, your dream came true! In the stage is new play- "Quest for the Golden Puffle". It's very cool!

Here's what you can do with Switchbox 3000:

  • If you click on the first green switch, the crocodiles will open their mouths!
  • If you click on the second green switch, you will see white balls falling on the wall( i just can't explain:P)
  • If you click on the light blue switch, you will see that bridge will broke!
  • If you click on the purple switch,the stone dog’s nose will fall down!
  • When you click on the red switch, be careful..planks from bridge will bow down!
  • If you click on the third green switch, and a red penguin on a cart surfer will appear!
  • If you click on the fourth green switch, mummies statue will close!
  • If you click on the yellow lever, the yellow puffle will appear!

And.. there's also new costume trunk! It's with some really cool new items, and there's also 2 rare items! Lol! It's so cool! xD

The new item's are.. :

  • Alaska’s Explorer Hat (300 coins) (NEW!)
  • Sienna Explorer Outfit (650 coins) (NEW!)
  • Lasso (150 coins) (OLD)
  • Beige Explorer Outfit (650 coins) (NEW!)
  • Safari Hat (250 coins) (OLD)
  • Supply Bag (700 coins) (OLD)
Pharaoh Costume (800 coins) (NEW!)
  • Crook & Flail (300 coins) (NEW!)
  • Gold Bracelets (200 coins) (NEW!)
  • Pharaoh Headdress (500 coins) (NEW!)
  • Mummy Costume (600 coins) (NEW!)
    Director’s Hat (250 coins)
  • Adventure Background (60 coins) (NEW!)
  • What do you think about this Stage play? I think it's really cool:)

    But that's so cool that they bring back a Lasso and Safari Hat ! Lasso is so rare item! It was in Western Party party 2006! And.. do you know something about Safari Hat? When Rockhopper first time arrived, it was one of items what he was selling! It's so rare!!!

    And, guys,thanks for voting! You guys are great! Please keep voting!

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    And, here's small button what shows in what place i am! It's just more easier to find me!

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    Dingodie said...

    Im Acww575 Add me to your blogroll and ill add you to mine

    -Acww575 (Dingodie)

    Dingodie said...

    If you need a pic of the Lasso just go to my page and take it , just give credit...


    Anonymous said...

    Im Samabenie

    Me too if u add me to your blogroll ill add you to mine!!!