Saturday, January 5, 2008


Belive me or not, but today in Mamoth server, in Dock i saw penguin
Mc 123 Bot 3 ... he was like machine! He copyed everything we said about half sec!!! Is that new Cp trainer, or..hes rob, machine???
I will ask CP. But meybe he types very fast?

1 Comment:

Shanti said...

hello! your site is really cool! what can that robot thing be about - maybe he just types fast? I donno its strange!

Also Ihate to sound like one of those people who just go around advertising their site but could you add to your blogroll? We are site dedicated to yellow puffles, we sent in this pettiiton for a yellow puffle 2 weeks before the yellow puffle was first spotted and CP said they'd take our ideas into consideration! So basically we liked helped get the yellow puffle. Anyway we now post about anything to do with yellow puffles and we are running another petition for a yellow puffle for non-members. We currently have 456 signatures, i wonder if i could add your penguin?

Thanks this is a really great site!