Hello! Here's some other cool cheats!
Cheat 1#
1) Go to the Plaza..
2) Move your mouse to the ballons..
3) They will get split!
1) Go to Town
2) Move your mouse to the sign..
3) It will spin!
Cheat 3#
1) Go to the Cove
2) Click on binoculars!
3) You will see how day turn into night;D
1) Go to Ski Village
2) Move your mouse to the mountain..
3)A "April Fool's" banner will come up!
And.. In CPIP green puffle event is excended!
And, here's some puffle actions what you can do. Thanks to Mimo777.
If you trow snowball to the upper left,(above your puffle) you will eat food.
If you trow snowball to the upper right,(above your puffle)you will sleep.
If you trow snowball to the lower left,(above your puffle) you will eat cookie.
If you trow snowball to the lower right, (above your puffle) you will take a bath!
Hey, Joanna, it's not evening!
And how do you know some words of my lounlage? ;D
Visit Waddy Cheats for the Top Club Penguin Cheats, Info, etc!
Waddy28 is having a party and giving away a penguin with 20,000 coins!
Click Here for more info!
its evening in my country!Ok.I will teach you.
Как си?-How are you.
You can find more in the internet.Search if you need more.
Hey, Laura!! I havent been here in a while, sorry!!! If youve been to Hippapalooza lately, its 80s week!! :) Keep up the amazing work!
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